Résultats de votre recherche

    8 Résultats
  • Jane Wakely - Executive Vice President, Chief Consumer and Marketing Officer and Chief Growth Officer, International Foods - a reçu un diplôme de Bath Spa University.
    Pepsico - Boissons - Etats—Unis
  • Jessica Keeley-Carter - Executive Vice President of Global Marketing - a reçu un diplôme de Bath Spa University.
    Warner Music Group - Musique - Etats—Unis
  • Simon Perry - Managing Director, Head of Business Development, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia - a reçu un Bachelor of Engineering de Bath Spa University.
    Alcentra - Holding - Etats—Unis
  • Gemma Greenway - Business Manager - has a Master of Arts from Bath Spa University and Bachelor of Arts from Cardiff University.
  • Rebecca Davies - Project Manager - has a Bachelor of Arts, Business and Managment from Bath Spa University and Master of Arts, Business Management Field Of StudyFood Supply Chain and International from Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester.
    Wynnstay Group - Agriculture - Royaume—Uni
  • Daniel Heale - Global Chief Executive Officer and President - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Geography de Bath Spa University.
  • James Barham - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Communications de Bath Spa University.
  • Jacqui Rand - UK and Ireland Manager - a reçu un Bachelor in Economics and Politics de Bath Spa University.
    The York Group - Internet - Etats—Unis

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